Holly Elwood

Mortgage Production Supervisor

NMLS# 792621

NorthCountry employee since 2020

I enjoy working with my team to help members achieve their financial and homeownership goals. I have been in the consumer lending field for over 10 years with the last 3 years focused on mortgage lending. My objective is to help my team in delivering members with the right mortgage product that fits their needs while providing them with the outstanding customer service. 

Member Testimonials

"Always friendly! Always accommodating! Just a great place to go for all my financing needs. I do all my financial business with NorthCountry." -- Member who scored their home financing experience as a 10 out of 10

"When I needed to figure out which agencies could provide a VA mortgage, I called several banks and credit unions. I got plenty of AI menus, voice mails and no callbacks until I called NorthCountry and spoke with Holly. She patiently answered my long list of questions about VA mortgages, the housing market, credit repair and getting a credit card through NorthCountry to build credit. Over the next few years, she worked with me to improve my credit score and identify ways I could strengthen my financial position in preparation for home ownership. The collaboration & planning with Holly paid off because I was able to qualify for a competitive loan that expanded my options for homes. Once I was blessed with a decent opportunity and a home active with contract, Holly stood by me through all the complications & challenges of the purchasing process, especially when the 2023 flood hit mid-sale and impacted the home's basement. Our teamwork paid off and I was able to close on the home. As someone born into crushing poverty with few opportunities starting out in life, home ownership has been a lifelong goal and a point of pride for me. Holly and NorthCountry authentically care and want to help out the community and make the world a better place. They stand by their values of being a financial institution geared towards helping the community, and I appreciate that. A lot." - Samuel Planck, Graniteville, VT

"Dear Holly, Thanks for sticking with me on the long journey from building my credit, prequalifying and finally buying a home! I can tell you care about people and use your work to help others and make the world a better place. Thank you for helping my family and I to achieve our dreams!" - New homeowner, 2023