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Empty Pockets Again? A Credit Union Can Help!

Managing cash may not seem like a big deal … until you’re caught short.

Here are a few ways that can help you stay on top of your finances:

Checking Accounts

  1. Avoid minimum balance requirements – they’re a hassle and can easily generate a fee
  2. Don’t overdraw your account
  3. Sidestep ATM fees, or find an account that refunds them*

Credit Cards

  1. Look for one with no annual fee
  2. Try to find a fixed rate*
  3. Make at least your minimum payment on time every month to build your credit score and avoid fees


  1. Make your payments on time and as promised. It’ll build your credit score and help ensure you have access to favorable rates in the future.
  2. Pay attention to interest rates. The rate you pay can substantially affect how much your loan ends up costing you.  
  3. Proceed with caution! Be sure the long-term implications of your loan don’t outweigh the short-term benefits.

If you’re interested in keeping your cash flow stable, a credit union may be a great fit for you. As not-for-profit cooperatives, they exist for the benefit of the individuals that bank with them, not investors. You’ll find this reflected in fewer fees, better rates, and more free services. Plus, they offer student loans, credit cards, and other loans for just about anything. The next time you need a financial service, consider using a credit union. You may find that you’ll pay less and get more.

* These are rare, but available at NorthCountry Federal Credit Union! Visit, or call (800) 660-3258.